Buyandship成立於 2014 年,為數碼港初創企業,致力於通過大數據、全球定價比較、內容生成和物流技術,讓消費者以最優惠的價格在全球購買任何產品,並將服務拓展至12個不同的國家及地區。Buyandship提供具競爭力的薪酬及福利,福利包括12天有薪年假、生日假期等。Buyandship視員工為重要人力資產,亦致力提倡職場平等機會,讓僱員不受任何形式的歧視。若你熱衷於電商發展,擁有事業發展及升遷機會,歡迎你加入成為我們一份子。

Established in 2014, Buyandship is a Cyberport start-up dedicated to enabling consumers to buy any product at the best price globally through big data, global pricing comparison, content generation and logistics technology, and expanding its services to 12 different countries and regions. Buyandship provides competitive salaries and benefits, including 12 days of paid annual leave, birthday leave etc. Buyandship treats employees as the most important asset and is committed to promoting equal opportunities in the workplace so that employees are not subject to any form of discrimination. If you are keen on e-commerce development and want to develop a career with promotion opportunities, we welcome you to join us and be part of our team!


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